The world needs your HUMAN leadership

I help over-achievers and their organizations up their leadership game.


"A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points."

Said computer graphics pioneer Alan Kay. Which begs the question: what if change never happens?


Change is my mother tongue

Hi, I'm Yana Moldovan.
Executive coach, strategist, and curious human. My superpower is helping you shift your impact gears. I work with star executives who can look very put together and whose challenges are of a very particular kind. I work with entrepreneurs through their ups and downs. I don't just coach - I've walked the walk.

Are you... ?

A high-flying executive looking for 1:1 coaching?

Congrats! You've earned that promotion. Now you need to be more leader, less doer. More strategy, less tactics. And you want to do that humanely. Great. We should talk.

An organization going through transformation?

Every organization puts something on the wall about how their people come first. Very few actually venture to discover what that means today. Will you?

1:1 coaching


The teardown

Bring your most pressing pitfall to a full 60-minute session where you are guaranteed to "sweat" it out. How to negotiate a better salary? How to not hate your boss? Something else?

    one power session
    one-week email support to execute the plan 
    follow-up one week post-completion

The 3-month intensive

Your job now asks you to fill bigger leader shoes. Buuuut... you want to climb Mt. Everest with a backpack full of stones. In 10 weeks, you'll lose the stones and gain momentum.

    weekly calls
    support throughout the week
    follow-up session one month post-completion

The 12-month marathon

Only for those ready for a year of groundbreaking execution. With this program, you set yourself to unlearn unhealthy overdoing, choose strategically and reap the rewards.

    from weekly intensive to monthly sessions
    weekly check-ins, email and WhatsApp support
    follow-up session one month post-completion

Nothing like client love...

When I hired Yana, I had just started a six months contractor role in a field I had been pursuing for two years. I wanted to make sure that I give my best to it while also working on my personal and professional development, on raising my profile and visibility in a new organisation, on my confidence, tackling self-limiting beliefs and behaviours. Compassionate and understanding but firm and demanding, Yana led me to commit to practical steps to tackle immediate challenges and checked in regularly to make sure I stay on track. Working with Yana, I achieved the results I set out to get for the company, my initial six-month contract was extended twice and I am in discussions about a potential permanent senior role. Yana and I are continuing and I have also referred a few female colleagues in the industry to her.

Sustainable Finance Executive, UK

When I started my work with Yana I was at a crossroads in both my career and personal life. 
Two years later I have taken both to the next level, from base employee to managing my department and a 500k monthly budget, without burning out in the process.  
She helped me find the focus and confidence I needed to excel, shoring up my weaknesses and playing to my strengths. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Head Of Operations. ENVIRIA Investor Solutions GmbH. Germany

Yana is able to see the diamond in the rough that lies within you, hidden amidst all the self-questioning, self-demanding, and madness. But above all, she will give you the tools to extract it, clean it and polish it so that it works in your favour. With a lot of patience and a unique blend of tenderness and firmness, she will guide you in the search for your talent and in the transformation that will allow you to master yourself, having the possibility to reconcile your work life with your essence and make a living out of it. No matter who you are, no matter your background, for Yana you are a being and not just another number. And therein lies the difference from the other specialists I have consulted. She will do her best to help you achieve your goals in a way that is realistic and at the same time very different from everything you know so far.

Lawyer, Educator, Writer. Self-employed. Spain/Germany

At first, I was skeptical. 
Yana’s methods seemed radical to me. After a number of sessions with her, however, I realised: she looked straight through me – and used this to challenge me. 
The continued work with Yana, in turn, resulted in me gaining new perspectives, insights, and tools. It wasn’t always comfortable, but change never is.

Digital Project Manager

Are you ready to cut your Gordian knot?

Think of it as a virtual coffee. 30 minutes.

Proud to have learned here
